Ultra High Resolution Equirectangular Imagery

Ultra High Resolution Equirectangular Imagery Is the process of creating images that allow for 360 Degree viewing with incredible detail. The original for each of these images have resolutions of over 29,000 pixels on the horizontal dimension. If printed, at standard resolution, these images would be just under 20feet across

You can see in the image below the zoom capabilities of one of these images.

The image appears distorted when viewed without a VR Viewer as it is taking the spherical visual world and placing it on a flat surface the same way a map of the earth distorts the upper and lower reaches of the planet. You can view this image Here to see this image in a 360Deg viewer

San Diego is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Check out some of the images done for
From El Captain to Dog Beach these are some of the locations and highlines of the San Diego River Valley
It all comes down to how do you store spherical data on the flat surface of an image. In the
From cave walls to modern computer screens, artists have dealt with the same simple problem: the world is round and
Any time a new product or technology comes into existence there is a period of confusion as society learns how
Video quality is dependent upon your settings. You must make sure to select 4k under the Youtube settings icon.
Video quality is dependent upon your settings. You must make sure to select 4k under the Youtube settings icon.
Video quality is dependent upon your settings. You must make sure to select 4k under the Youtube settings icon.

All images on this page and site are copyright Victor Ciccarelli / 4DLocation services no rights are given for copy or display without written permission from Victor Ciccarelli or 4D Location Services

Need help with a custom image, video, or educational product? Contact 4D Location Services today.